- How interesting that the gods and demons worked together to make the oceans! What if something went wrong and it just turned into a bunch of lava instead of water?
- It seems kind of funny to me that Vishnu took the form of a woman to make all of the gods and demons get along when dividing the ocean.
- It’d be kind of funny to turn this story into children fighting over who got to play with which toys during playtime, since the gods and demons were kind of acting like children.
- I feel like I could somehow related the thunder from the bones to a story set in today’s time where something bad had happened but the thunder/lighting was the beginning of something good?
- How/why were the demons able to get into heaven and steal so easily? I feel like there’s a story there!
- It’d be fun to write a story over Cupid (Madan, god of love) telling his friends some crazy situations he had been in. Especially have him talk about shooting Shiva but somehow he gets away
- The way that Shiva and Sati lived their lives as gods could be a good example to kings that are filled with greed.
- I wonder if the character of Shiva was set in today's time if he would be considered a drug abuser?
- I wonder if there is another way for Sati to make her father stop insulting her husband other than killing herself?

- It'd be interesting to have a story through the eyes of the parents of the terrible Hiranyakshya and Hiranyakashyapu while they were growing up.
- The story of Prahlada was awesome. I definitely feel like there's a story I could write about him.
- What if I did a story of Shakuntala and her friends in modern time like a high school or something?
Gleanings from Indian Classics, Volume 1: Tales of India by Manmatha Nath Dutt
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