Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Reading Notes: Sacred Cow, Rishyasringa, Sakuntala (B)

  • I wonder what would have happened if the king didn't put his arrows up but killed the fawn? would the hermits have cursed him?
  • Why did the king leave his wife in the grove? Shouldn't he had taken her with him?
  • What if Sakuntala took the fawn with her? Would the king have had it killed?
  • What if Sakuntala had a power where when she touches someone she could have them see a selected memory of hers?
  • Maybe I could write a prequel to this story to tell the powers of the kings ring?
  • A story even from the eyes of Sakuntala would be interesting. 
  • It'd be interesting to know what all happened to Sakuntala when some god came out of the sky and took her away. Was the purpose of the boy's amulet to find the father or what?
  • I love how this story had a happy ending!

Bibliography: The Indian Story Book- Story VIII Sakuntala

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mariah. I like that you chose to change up the story to make Sakuntala more of a strong female character rather than someone who just waited for her husband in pain while pining over him. I think it would be really awesome if you could include a reason as to why the king ended up forgetting his wife. Perhaps he suffered some kind of concussion or he was placed under a spell by a sinister antagonist?
