Friday, January 20, 2017

Idian Epics Storybook Favorites

A Karmic Hero

                                                              (Yama: God of Death)

The topic of Yama being a mentor to a person that was once the demon king Ravana is new to me. I had never heard of either of these characters before. The title initially drew me in because it had the word hero in it and from my all about me post you know that I love stories about superheroes. The introduction however is what really pulled me in when it discussed that someone was altering the timeline and it was up to me to fix it. I loved how creative this story is! Throughout the story it lets you make decisions that affect the rest of the story and there even some fill in the blank parts for the reader to customize the story! There were only images on the intro page and they sort of scared me, like if I was sitting in front of the guy in the picture above I'd do whatever he said for sure so he doesn't kill me. For the rest of the story it’s just white so I would’ve enjoyed a little splash of color more. Overall though it was a very intriguing and interactive story!

Hello, when am I?

This storybook topic was also about time travel! I knew that going in however due to the name of the Title. I am familiar with time travel just from movies I’ve watched, time travel stories are always so interesting to me. The introduction was perfect! I was really shocked when the main character fell through a water puddle. It definitely made me want to read more. The Layout and design was great too it was kind of gloomy and rainy so I really felt like I was in the story. I loved the use of the photo below, it tied in very perfectly with the story topic. Overall I like the design of this storybook, because it sets the mood for the stories and has navigation easily accessible at the top of the pages.

                                                                      (Rain Puddle)

CSI: Indian Epics

I am familiar with the topic of CSI as I grew up watching all of those TV shows with my family. The title was a good fit as well as the pictures. The intro captivated all my attention in the first paragraph with the line “If you are reading this it means I am dead.” So naturally I kept reading till I finished the stories! I think the design of using a notepad is the most creative background used out of all 3 of the storybooks I picked to read. With the notepad as the background I really felt like I was reading a detective’s personal notes so it held my attention more than without it. Overall this design layout was really good and if I do something similar I would consider using the notepad background and navigation side bar.

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